Sam McAlister (Billie Piper), the booker and producer of Newsnight, carefully negotiates with Buckingham Palace to obtain the ultimate exclusive: an hour-long interview featuring Prince Andrew (Rufus Sewell) and presenter Emily Maitlis (Gillian Anderson), during which the latter will clarify his relationship with paedophile Jeffrey Epstein.

“Even an hour of television can transform everything,” a character in Scoop declares. Well, Prince…

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Cozy handyman Takumi (Hitoshi Omika) and his small daughter Hana (Ryo Nishikawa) reside in the woods. A Tokyo-based business hopes to establish a camping area close by, but they are not prepared for Takumi and his neighbors’ passionate, well-reasoned objections. Tensions rise when the glamping project goes forward in spite of this.

Beware: that title is a red herring, luring and tempting. Director Ryusuke Hamaguchi’s chillingly enigmatic…

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